Radiohead - In Rainbows
This is my newest pickup ... best part is, if you download the songs you CHOOSE what you want to pay. I'll admit, I paid nothing. I'm one of "those guys." After spending the past few days listening to it on the ipod and in the car, I may go back and donate a few dollars. It really is a great listen. These guys haven't come out with an album in awhile, so this is long overdue. And their marketing campaign is totally grass roots, which is awesome. I'm thrilled they are back in the music making business. As I understand it, most of these songs have been played live before, but they are new to me. When the hard copies of the music come out (later this month), there are going to be additional tracks. Maybe at that point I will suck it up and buy a disc.
Rilo Kiley - Under The Blacklight
This is an interesting one. I first heard this group open for Coldplay in Nashville. Their previous albums have been more "emo" or pseudo punk. Not really identifiable with another type of music. This album seems to be a bit more mainstream. There is a hint of pop, a hint of rock, and even a hint of 70s disco. It has remained in the car cd changer, just because it is a fun one to listen to. The songs aren't stellar in writing, but not much is anymore.
Kanye West - Graduation
Was I going to buy Fifty's new cd or Kanye's? I've picked up both previously, but when it came to this epic Tuesday duel, I sided with Mr. West. The first few spins, I wasn't into it. Later that week, he was on SNL and performed several of the songs from the album. After watching his performance and listening to the disc several more times, It still doesn't rank above Late Registration, but it has grown on me. Maybe I'm just less angry than I used to be, but party rap or message rap will win out over gangster rap from now on. Unless it is old school Dre or Pac. No debating those. EVER.
Corey Smith - Hard-Headed Fool
Corey is this great acoustic guitarist from none other than Athens, GA. Several of the songs from his previous albums talk about Athens and Georgia Football. This new album really showcases more of his writing abilities. It is 1/4 acoustic music, 3/4 country. But hell, when it is country music about a familiar place, I am OK with it. Some of the songs are re-dos from his previous CDs, but I'm ok with it. This guy is just trying to make it, and I'm all for supporting the old locals.
Common - Finding Forever
I have actually recently purchased a couple of Common's albums. His flow is genuine and strong. The music is solid, and with Kanye assisting on some of the songs, it is destined to be a hit. Courtney and I saw him perform last October at Vanderbilt. It was a good show, but I never paid much attention to him. This summer, I heard a few of the songs off the new cd and decided to pick it up. I'm pleased with the purchase.
Thelonious Monk - Genius of Modern Music, Volume 1
I am still and always will be a fan of jazz. My friend Alex introduced me to Thelonious several years ago. I have an actual record of some of his stuff and some old Napster downloads, but I had never purchased a cd until now. There is nothing else to say other than Jazz music will forever be an important part of my life. When you just want to hear some great sounds, there is nothing like putting on a jazz cd.
Lilly Allen - Alright, Still
This cd is not what I thought it would be. It is much more pop. I expected more signing, but it is a lot of silly little songs from someone who is clearly just learning about stardom, alcohol and partying. It was in my cd player for about 2 days. I bought it because I enjoyed a couple of live songs I saw her perform on TV and her contribution to one of Common's songs. Not really the same. Fun, but not the same.
The next few weeks will bring about a lot of travel. Tuesday, I will be in Chicago (Big Red, if it were for more than 6 hours, I'd buzz you). Friday and Saturday, I will be in Philly for our game v. Temple. The next Tuesday I am supposed to be in Atlanta for meetings, depending on the call backs, and then Courtney and I are off to Nashville towards the end of the week. I might be in DC the following Monday and Tuesday. Crazy. I need to catch my breath.
Life has been good though. Courtney and I hit a corn maze/pumpkin patch today with another couple from our neighborhood. I was exhausted from the weekend, but it was worth the trip. No rest for the weary. Listen to some music.