11:41 am, and here I sit inside Hawkins Field trying to drink enough water to overcome a hangover. Ahh yes, another rousing night out on the town of Nashville, TN. There is no question as to how much fun this city can be. I've certainly been spoiled living here. Don't get me wrong. Athens, Winston and DeKalb all have there own unique qualities, but they can't touch Nashville. So much to do, so little time.
Before I went out last night I finally was able to sit down and watch "Ray." My mom gave it to me for Valentine's Day (isn't she sweet?), and I've heard so many good things about it. Well, everything I heard was true. It was a great film. Jamie Foxx was incredible. I don't get caught up with all the Academy Award mess, but he certainly deserves his nomination. I wouldn't be surprised if he wins. Just a spectacular performance. Although, I never realized how much of a bastard Ray Charles really was until I watched the film. Well, really no more of a bastard than so many other musicians or celebrities, or hell anyone who has wandering eyes.
While watching the film, I found myself thinking about the injustices so many folks have had to deal with during their lives. I mean, you have a blind man who is an amazing musician, yet so many people who came across him didn't see his musical brilliance, they saw his skin color. Things like that really get to me. I grew up learning to accept everyone, and seeing people treated so poorly drives me nuts. It makes me wish I could give a giant ass-kicking to everyone who has ever treated someone unfairly. I'm sure I've been a jerk to people on many occasions, but I have never been a racist. Maybe I am a hypocrite for being disgusted with racists and then turning around and making fun of someone for being "stupid" or a "nerd," but there is never any malice intended on my part. I need to get off this self-made soap box, I know. Just do me a favor ... try to be accepting of people.
By looking at the date of this entry and the last, you can tell it has been awhile since I've updated. I've had plenty to say, but every time I've tried to sit down and write, things have escaped me. I've had a lot on the brain lately, some of which I will save for the next installment. There have been some interesting happenings on the work front, although I can't talk about them just yet.
Although, I will talk about the amazing time I had at home over the Valentine's Day weekend. I had a free weekend (imagine that), and used it to visit my friends and family in Winston. I had a blast. I always have a blast when I go home. I suppose for me, going home isn't just simply going home. It is more like an event. I want to be around as many of my buds as possible, while also spending quality time with my family. Sometimes it is hard to juggle everything. This go-around, I neglected my old friend Kathryn. I haven't seen her in ages and had told her I'd give her a call while I was home. I didn't. I totally forgot until I went out my last evening. I'm a jerk. But that is what happens to me when I try to cram so much in to such a small timeframe. Most everyone usually understands, but I hate letting people down.
Following my trip home, I was sick for about 2 weeks. I still have the sniffles, but I was knocked on my ass for several days. I shouldn't have even come into work, but we just have too many freakin' events going on right now. At least basketball is almost over. One more home game, this Wednesday. Well that and if we host a NIT game.
I head to Atlanta in two weeks for the SEC men's basketball championship. I love working events like that. The Georgia Dome plays host, and they do a fabulous job. It'll be great to be around a championship environment again. Plus, I'll have the opportunity to see most of my good ATL friends. I love going back to Georgia.
I've rambled a lot today, so I apologize. I suppose it is time to get back to work. I'll be posting again this week on the work stuff. It is interesting, that is for sure. Until then ...