The wedding itself was a blast. I enjoyed meeting all of the wonderful people. I won't go into details about the bachelor party Thursday night, but rest assured no one was out of control. I did retain one of my wedding "streaks," as the other finally ended. Allison did save me a dance, so my "dances with the bride" streak remains. Actually, she was gracious enough to share of couple of dances with me. Aren't I the lucky one? The other streak was my "meet or hook up with some at the wedding" streak. Sadly enough, there weren't many options. Unless the count the big smooch I put on Kim's cheek. She and her insane husband are great. They know how to have a great time.
Came home to some rather disturbing news. I'm not sure if any of you have heard about the tragedy that took place early Sunday morning in Chicago, but NIU has lost one of it's football players. Shea Fitzgerald, a redshirt freshman for the Huskies, lost his life in the balcony collapse. Rumor has it, we have two other football players that are listed in critical condition. It's just a very sad and moving story. I knew Shea, not well enough to have a conversation with him, but I knew the kid. And that's just it. He was a kid. This shouldn't happen to kids. It just really makes you put things into perspective. I don't think I'll be complaining about anything for quite some time.
On a less somber note, Flip has an interview with Georgia Tech tomorrow. It is a great opportunity for him, one which I hope falls into his lap.
Back to work today. I've got a ton of facility and camp issues to handle before Friday rolls around. For the Fourth of July, I'll be headed into the city to hang with Kahlgirl and Big Red. Can't wait to see those clowns. We are going to attempt to find tickets to Saturday's Cards, Cubs game. Doubt we will be fortunate enough for that to happen, but we can hope.
I'm pretty bummed today. I'll catch up with you kids later this week.