At around 8:30 Central time, news came across that the allied forces attacked a specified area thought to be housing Saddam Hussein. And so it has begun. No one likes war, but I support these attacks. It seems to be a necessary evil. I'm not big on political stances, mainly because I'm not smart enough to understand all of the aspects, but Saddam has been in power far too long. It is time to rip him out of his egotistical control and give some balance back to the Middle East.
It doesn't seem as if the war has totally started yet. The "decapitation attack" is only the beginning, but for the sake of everyone involved, I hope it ends quickly. Every single soldier over there deserves the right to come home quickly, US, British or Iraqis. Until that happens though, a job must be done. Rid the world of an evil genius.
Would I fight? Hell yes I would. Am I throwing myself out there to volunteer? No. If my country asked me to fight, I would do so. I just feel so fortunate I am here in DeKalb. Yes, I just said I feel fortunate to be in DeKalb.
God bless everyone over there, especially our US soldiers. May peace fall over the battlefield, and may everyone return home safely.