To commemorate this wonderful weekend, we've created some t-shirts that will be available at our show. If you have adobe acrobat reader, you can view the shirts now. Hopefully we will have some left over, and I can offer them for sale on If you just can't wait to have some ARGUS merchandise, please visit our Cafe Press store.
So a few Lowe Downs back, I mentioned something about not finding any good women here in DeKalb. If read in the context it was presented, it made perfect sense. I haven't found anyone worth the time to date. When I say worth the time, I mean someone who is interested in me, and I am interested in her. It's a two way street, right? I digress ... apparently my little blurb offended my good friend Kristen. She and I have become buds the past several months, and we have what I like to call a hate/adore relationship. We hate to adore each other, but we do. Why? Cause we both kick a lot of ass. So she took offense to my comment, and I had to explain to her the context of the statement. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to date Kristen. She's incredible, but she's also smart. She wants nothing to do with me! So I think she finally figured out what I meant in my previous Lowe Down. If not, there is no helping this poor girl.
I've started working out again. I needed it. I was on a great routine this summer, working out at least 3 times a week, sometimes more. Once August rolled around, I was worthless. So I've made a commitment to myself to continue with my program. It's one thing to work hard every day in the office. It's another thing to enjoy your free time. But I need to start taking care of myself ... I also wouldn't mind looking a little cuter. We'll see how it goes. Vanity is a beautiful thing.
I know I should write more in anticipation of this weekend ... the fellas flying in, another football game, two ARGUS shows ... but I'm just spent. It's been a long week already. I promise to recap the entire weekend, and next week I want to give you all a glimpse into the loser I've become in DeKalb.
ps - Don't forget about the ARGUS show September 6, at Fatty's here in DeKalb, IL ... that's right ... TOMORROW! .