Exchanging emails today with Newp and Kacie about everything from Newp's old Clemson colored bed room to Optimus Prime really made me smile. It's funny how little things will make a damn dreary day see bright. And yes, for the record, Mr. Tarheel Brian Newport did in fact have a Clemson inspired bedroom as a kid. I know this because I used to kick his ass in Saga games and I remember those horrible colors.
So Doc gave me the "all clear" sign this week. After an ultra sound, I found out I'm not pregnant. Well, that and I don't have anything wrong with my liver. It was a nice relief, and I'm sure the little lady and the family were glad to hear too.
Poor Jerry Springer, being cut from "Dancing with the stars." Yes, I know this and NO, there isn't much on tv during the week. That guy was a train wreck on the dance floor though. It made for great unintentional comedy. Or would that qualify as intentional? There's probably a fine line there.
I'll still call it the World's Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party ... until one of those schools is paying my bills and tells me not to refer to it as such. Georgia is in position to either get whooped tomorrow or really play the spoiler. Obviously I'm hoping for the latter. The Georgia "O" has been difficult to find this year. Maybe they'll be a nice surprise. And Joe T. owes those Gaytors. Big Time.
I never feel better about my organization and event management abilities than when we host high school events. God bless them all. The kids play their butts off. The parents cheer their butts off. You get the picture. But really, when it comes down to it they just are not very organized. We are hosting one tonight, and because of the lack of organization, I've been running around like a buffoon. Eh, it happens. The folks from both schools are really great people, so that makes it a lot easier.
We tip off with hoops season next Wednesday and Thursday. I've relinquished my hoops event management duties this season. I am hoping it will make my life a hell of a lot easier. It will give me more time to focus on paper work and finally get ahead on several projects I've been putting off. And it should give me more time to focus on the wedding, which I'm sure the little lady will appreciate.
Enjoy the weekend, everyone. Oh, and have a few cocktails in honor of that little gathering in Jacksonville.