After mulling through Monday it was really hard to focus. We just had an awesome weekend here in Athens and while I didn't get drunk, I think I had a "fun hangover" all day today. We enjoyed some dinner with friends Friday night, I sat and watched football almost all day Saturday with those same friends and then some of us ventured to Decatur to check out an acoustic Jackopierce show. Sunday, we had a little breakfast at my favorite spot in Athens, Momma's Boy and then were as lazy as can be Sunday afternoon. Aside from Georgia barely escaping Lexington with a win, the weekend was pretty much flawless. The weather was great and we enjoyed every minute of it.
Speaking of the Jackopierce show, I can't help but think of all of my great Winston-Salem friends when I see a JP, Vertical Horizon or Edwin McCain show. The tunes they sing obviously tell the stories of their lives or people they've know, but to some extent I feel like that music tells the story of my life, of the lives of that great group of friends from "The Dash." I found myself thinking of the entire crew during the first few songs. It probably seemed to my friends at the show I was a little spacey, but I quickly found myself back in the moment and enjoying some great tunes. I just hope I don't have to wait another six years to hear them live again.
I was tempted to head to Auburn this coming weekend, but a large part of me really wants to try and enjoy some time with the wifey and maybe knock out some things in the yard that have been left undone all Fall. I am the king of putting things off. I think I've always been this way. Probably a trait I've stolen from Dad. I always find a way to get things done, I just like to do them at my pace. This is often that of a snail. So the back yard needs a lot of work, and I think Doug has volunteered to give me a hand. We'll see how this goes. Two dudes and power tools. Look out!
With the holiday season fast approaching, it looks like we are starting to make our plans. Thanksgiving will be in Duluth at Courtney's father's house, along with his wife Joan. We originally wanted to do turkey day at our home but Claire, Courtney's sister, has to do her traveling with Chance, our nephew, and Duluth is a hell of a lot closer to her apartment than Athens. So we'll make the trip over there making it easy on her. I am very excited because Courtney's Mom and step-father Phil will be joining us as well. Divorced families typically never want to spend actual time or holidays together. I am thrilled everyone wants to come together this year, as I think it is so important to Chance we all make holidays memorable. It is so very positive to think if and when we bring children into this world, they will be surrounded by three wonderful sets of grandparents. Hell that just means more babysitting options! WOOO!
The lesson plans are done, and it is time for me to wrap this up. I might start posting some lyrics on the site. I've been toying with that for awhile, not to mention I've been writing more lately. Sometimes you just need a little inspiration.