My sister-in-law made a good point yesterday. She commented at least we do this; at least we get together and do something we enjoy. It struck me because it is probably true that many talented people give up on things they enjoy. Clearly with all of us in the band, the real world is our priority. Marriage, kids, girlfriends, jobs ... all of that is our priority right now, but having these little glimmers of fun and silliness are special moments.
It was so exciting to be on stage and share those moments with so many friends and family. With the Twilight bike race and heavy rain, I figured people might not show or they would only stick around for a bit. Glad I was wrong, as the vast majority of the crowd hung in the entire time. We did feel bad for the guy after us, because that place cleared out about 30 minutes after our show.
Donovan had a contact who came and recorded the show for us. After listening to the entire show twice now, I realized how out of show shape my voice was. We went through the entire set list earlier in the morning, most songs twice. We needed the practice, but as a singing friend told me it probably wasn't my smartest move. So no, I was not totally pleased with the outcome, but it was such a blast. For those of you who missed the link, you can download the show here:
ARGUS @ Tasty World 04.24.10
It is a zip file, so once downloaded you will simply need to move the tracks into your favorite audio player. Enjoy!
I do want to thank my parents for making the trip down to enjoy the show. Dad's birthday was April 29, so being able to hang out with them over the weekend made up for not being able to be there on his birthday. Mom and Dad love Athens and love to visit, I just wish they could make it more often! Hopefully we won't have two years between visits.
The man with the furthest drive was Greg, coming in all the way from Virginia Beach. He had to leave his loving wife and beautiful daughter to make the show, something which I am sure was not easy. When the show date was set, I honestly did not expect Greg to make it because of family and the distance. Needless to say I am thrilled he made it. Greg has been a good friend for many years now, and it was fun having him share stories and pictures of little Miss Anna all weekend.

It took us awhile to finally agree to do this. We were both concerned about spending money, but in the long run we believe this project will help the value of our house and will be something we can enjoy. Having outdoor family space in the south is very important and this will provide us what we need.
After a couple of really fun weekends, it is time to get back to the real world. Remember to download the ARGUS show and let us know what you think. Maybe ARGUS will be playing in your neck of the woods soon!